Intersecting Circles

Single circles. Intersecting circles. Combined circles. Circles have been on my mind for a few weeks. {No, my life is not running in circles, although I feel that way at times.} We recently had a women’s conference at our church that used circles as its focal point as a picture of the beginning of revival…the individual. If we want to see change in the world around us, we had better be willing to be the first changed. Hard. Painful. Freeing. Scary. This first step is so important regardless of the pain it may cause. See, we are not supposed to stay the same as we were a year ago…we are called to grow, change. To be transformed by God through the renewing of our mind found (Romans 12:2). This transformation is unlike the caterpillar turning into a butterfly, it requires work, effort, tears, and surrender. However, unlike the caterpillar, we are not alone in our cocoon waiting for transformation. Whew!...