Celebrate or Wallow?

Dear Single, February is almost here and yes, that means - - - Valentine’s Day !! You can’t run from it… You can’t hide from it… BUT… You can {and should} embrace it! Even if you are not dating someone, you do have people to show love/concern/care for rather than wallow in pity. Life is too short to be sitting at home, eating chocolate while watching sappy chick-flicks bemoaning the fact you are alone. Get out there. Meet up with some friends. Bring someone an unexpected bouquet of flowers (great deals on roses). Help a married couple by hanging with their kids so they can get out. Host a dinner party with friends {married or single}. Just. Do. Something. Oh, and another thing, since marriage/dating will be on your mind and you start to wonder about why you are still single… DO NOT SETTLE ! Never! Ever! I don’t care what media or psychologists say about lower your standards...