Celebrate or Wallow?

Dear Single,

February is almost here and yes, that means  - - - Valentine’s Day!! 

You can’t run from it…
You can’t hide from it…

You can {and should} embrace it!

Even if you are not dating someone, you do have people to show love/concern/care for rather than wallow in pity.  Life is too short to be sitting at home, eating chocolate while watching sappy chick-flicks bemoaning the fact you are alone.

Get out there. 
Meet up with some friends.  
Bring someone an unexpected bouquet of flowers (great deals on roses).
Help a married couple by hanging with their kids so they can get out. 
Host a dinner party with friends {married or single}.
Just.  Do.  Something.

Oh, and another thing, since marriage/dating will be on your mind and you start to wonder about why you are still single…

DO NOT SETTLE! Never!  Ever! 

I don’t care what media or psychologists say about lower your standards and settling for “good enough”.  No way!  Do you want to be married to “just an ok person”?  I know I certainly don’t!  If that means that I remain single, that’s okay.  I know I’m not an expert in marriage {being single and all} but from what I can glean from those I interact with and information from many sources, marriage is tough.  You mix that with a lassie-faire attitude toward who your spouse is, disaster! 

Rather than complaining about being alone, capitalize on your singleness and continually invest your time, talents, abilities, resources in others and in being the person you were made to be!  Don’t wait for her/him to magically show up when you walk down an aisle. 

A Striving to be Content Single Gal

**see also Bloom Where You're Planted


  1. Beautifully written Sar!!! Love you even though I always forget to call :)


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