The Purposeful Life of a Carrot
As we approach summer, plants are nestled into the dark soil, seeds are pushed deep below the surface and pesky weeds are plucked & tossed. Similar to this process, we were placed by God's design into the sphere {garden} of influence we now occupy. As followers of Christ we want to flourish and we want to grow. Unfortunately there are times when along with the good seeds there are some seeds of dissatisfaction that get dropped. We begin to see that the tomatoes have a trellis to climb or that the strawberries can fan out over the ground and here we {I} am just a carrot who gets to pop my little green sprout up just in time to be plucked from the earth. Often these seeds of dissatisfaction can almost look like good things. The fact that I am unmarried when I desire to be married. To be joined to another person so that life can be lived together, challenge each other, spur each other on. The fact that I do not have children a...
Beautiful pictures! Last night Emilia saw the sky and proclaimed how beautiful it was. Our God is amazing!