Mirror Mirror!

I stumbled upon the above picture while browsing some blogs and was struck by the significance of how often we allow "socially constructed ideas of 'beauty'" to shape our thinking...every day.
  • The mascara that will extend your lashes for miles
  • The lipstick which will improve your pout
  • The shampoo that will give your hair a mirror shine
  • The "maybe she's born with it", "easy, breezy, beautiful", "because I'm worth it" commercials.
  • (note: for the record, I use makeup and hair products, but don't believe these products create my beauty...I like to believe they enhance!  My dad use to say "if the barn needs painting, paint it.")

According to the world standards I would not be considered "beautiful." 
And in all honesty, I am thankful! Not because I don't want to be beautiful but I want to be considered beautiful because of the right qualities.  I truly desire to be a woman whose fear of the Lord draws people to me rather than my outward appearance.  Our inner beauty is really a reflection of the work of Christ in us, as without Him we are not good at all.

Proverbs 31:3
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."


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