Establishing Home
You would think that establishing home would be an fairly easy task.
You find a place, put your belongings in and ta-da...home!
When I look back on my childhood, I realized that we really moved a lot until I was near high school. We seemed to move somewhere new every two times just across town but other times it was across country.
The unique aspect about the concept of "home" is that it seems that wherever you are, it is home. My mom always did a great job of making the place we inhabited feel, look and smell like home. She even made our motorhome feel just like home.
I gleaned from that experience that home is what you make it. Throughout my adult life thus far, if you count dorm rooms (which I do, they are home for 9 full months), I have moved 10 times, at one point I moved almost every 6-7 months. I got really good at sorting and purging! Each place felt like home.
Each home held relationships to foster.
Each building held different nuances and quirks.
Each neighborhood had new things to find.
Knowing this last move will probably not be my last, I wonder what will be in store? How will I capitalize on the situation I have been given to have my own place? Technically I can do whatever I want.
However, I have learned from my parents that what we have is not really ours was given by God to be used to glorify God. Whether you have been given a lot or a little.
To not hold onto things/places/possessions/relationships so hard that you aren't willing to allow God to work and bring something else.
So, to me, establishing a home is more about the attitude I will bring to the space and its possessions more than what I do with them. My desire for this space is to glorify God. Technically that is what I'm supposed to be doing with my life anyhow, it should transfer to where I live. I want to entertain others, serve others, grow in my knowledge of Christ, create memories for my nieces and nephews and create a haven for others to come and rest. To me, those are the aspects that establish home.
You find a place, put your belongings in and ta-da...home!

The unique aspect about the concept of "home" is that it seems that wherever you are, it is home. My mom always did a great job of making the place we inhabited feel, look and smell like home. She even made our motorhome feel just like home.
I gleaned from that experience that home is what you make it. Throughout my adult life thus far, if you count dorm rooms (which I do, they are home for 9 full months), I have moved 10 times, at one point I moved almost every 6-7 months. I got really good at sorting and purging! Each place felt like home.
Each home held relationships to foster.
Each building held different nuances and quirks.
Each neighborhood had new things to find.
Knowing this last move will probably not be my last, I wonder what will be in store? How will I capitalize on the situation I have been given to have my own place? Technically I can do whatever I want.
However, I have learned from my parents that what we have is not really ours was given by God to be used to glorify God. Whether you have been given a lot or a little.
To not hold onto things/places/possessions/relationships so hard that you aren't willing to allow God to work and bring something else.
So, to me, establishing a home is more about the attitude I will bring to the space and its possessions more than what I do with them. My desire for this space is to glorify God. Technically that is what I'm supposed to be doing with my life anyhow, it should transfer to where I live. I want to entertain others, serve others, grow in my knowledge of Christ, create memories for my nieces and nephews and create a haven for others to come and rest. To me, those are the aspects that establish home.
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