Standing in the Hallway

A long hallway...
Many doors...
A variety of choices...
Can I put my ear to the door to determine what could be on the other side?
What if I lie down and look under the door, will it help me choose?

Do I feel...

Or am I standing in the middle of the hall like this picture with my arms raised high to worship the One who placed me in the hall?

In all honesty, I may be in the hallway a long time.  That time-frame is not determined by me.  The options behind each door are evasive and unknown, and there is a part of me that does not care.  

If my heart is focused on worshiping and surrendering to my God and Savior,  does it really matter what's on the other side?  My response to the joys/pains/struggles/victories that are behind each door will be determined by my attitude while I stand on the outside.

What about you?  How will you spend your time in the hallway?


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