Words: Eloquently Spoken and Efficiently Lived Out

Wow…it has been a while since I’ve written a post, I am a huge slacker!!  I have started several times to write an update, pen something profound or even a try my hand at a limerick, but to no avail, nothing!

I have recently been reading a book with some friends called Love Does by Bob Goff.  It is a very easy read with lots of stories and keeps you very engaged.  The premise of the book is really about acting out God’s love in the world around us, through involvement, relationship and interaction.  A life lived with large amounts of “whimsy”. 

I love words!  For those familiar with the love languages, one of my main ones is words of affirmation.  I keep meaningful cards from friends and family, I like to speak truth into people’s lives and even write out prayers at various times in order to make them seem more meaningful or permanent.  Therefore, when I read books, I am all about the words.  I ingest them like morsels of food, chew on them and let them digest.  Problem is, when the book has lots of application, I rarely put those words into any action plan.  They end up being great stories, profound thoughts and pithy sayings; never meaningful change or action.  This behavior also manifests itself in my relationship with God.  I will say wonderful things to Him, profess my surrender, offer my life as a living sacrifice, and confess my repeated sinful behavior; then walk away and repeat.  Somehow, my words said are not reinforced with action.  Much like is written about in James 2:15ff “If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?”  If my {our} words of surrender to God are not followed up, with, at best, an attempt to live fully surrendered, what good are the words themselves?

So, as I continue to work through this aspect of my life I wonder if I'm alone.  

How are you at translating your words into actions?  Are you also a habitual giver of words but rarely back them up with your actions?  How do you seek to turn the habit around?


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