"I Do" Celebration

I really like weddings.  

No I LOVE weddings!  

The colors, the flowers, the click of the camera, the swell of the music and the look of adoration in the eyes of the betrothed.  I just love weddings.  

Everyone has their favorite moment of the ceremony.  
  • The bride as she enters.
  • The grooms face as soon as he sees her the first time.  
  • The vows.  
  • The rings.
  • The possibility someone many faint.  
  • The music.  
  • The flowers.  
  • The food.  
For me, the whole event is my favorite...I know that is breaking the rules, but oh well.  As part of my job at the church I have the privilege of helping brides create their special day.  I have always had an affinity to party planning and what better party than a wedding!  The icing on the cake is being a small part of a couples special day whom God has brought together and you have seen the long road to the end of the aisle.  

This past weekend I had the honor of coordinating Julianne Beadner and  Andrew Dusendang.  

Spring Banquet at CBC
It was a a bit nostalgic for me because Julianne was in my first teenage girls small groups from many, many, many years ago.  She was a typical freshman girl.  Trying to figure out who she was, who she might date, where did God want her, etc.  Throughout her high school years we had many conversations about relationships, how to know if he was the "one", about how to live a life of godliness and purity in a world where that was NOT the norm.  

photo by Sara Bosscher
After high school we lost touch during the college years, but to see how God worked in her life throughout the years and how she has allowed Him to mold her into the women He had designed her to be, is such a joy.

To see her pledge her love to a man who loves her and cherishes her just as we had prayed for all those years ago was a sweet testament to a life lived in humble obedience to God. 

Julianne is not the first of "my girls" to take this walk down a flower lined aisle to the love of her life, there have been several before her.  As I write this blog, they all run across my heart as I remember their special days as well.  For each of them, it was not just a day to have a big party with friends and family, it was more about a day to celebrate their walk in obedience to God and their faith in Him to provide all that they needed.  

The following are a few pictures of the day captured by Russell Climie from Tiberius Images, amazing photographer.  You can see more pictures from the wedding on their Facebook page.

Congratulations Andrew & Julianne Dusendang!
God's richest blessings as you live life together for His honor and glory!


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